Ooo I just don't know how to express my love anymore.. ^_^
Went to Shu yesterday to finally get myself the legendary eyelash curler
Oh and as legendary as it is, it really curl my stubborn lash ~^_^~ and is been whole day now.. still curly...
And then, I found something even more eye opening @_@

Magic ~~
The trio set consist of skin purifier 50ml, UV under base mousse 30g and also face architect 15ml going for merely RM 50
The duo set consist of one skin purifier 50ml and UV under base mousse 30g and going for only RM 35..
There's also a travel kit for hydrating series and also brightening range.
Comes with 4 product - skin purifier, hydrating lotion, hydrating serum and hydrating moisturizer. Same goes to brightening set.
I so wanted to try Shu Uemura ever since and now I can try all at once ^_^
Note: The above set are now only available with PWP of Shu Uemura skincare which include a cleansing oil/mist. It was due to some miscommunication between the SA and management and she sincerely apologized for the wrong information and inconvenience caused.
Please also take note that one person only entitle to one set with each purchase. Only available in selected boutiques but not counters.
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this is a very good set to try out their productss..