For this summer, Sushi Zanmai came out with a promotion for all Unagi Lover @ ME !! ^^
As I was walking past Sushi Zen (psst.. same as zanmai), I saw a bunting in front of their store featuring UNAGI --->
So you can see there's date for every promotion, unfortunately I missed out the first one which is Unagi tofu teppanyaki. My colleague and I tried out the second promotion which is the Unagi to katsuo gohan no sansai ankake ---> Eel on fried rice with some mushroom and mixed vege. Yummy and interesting flavour.
Next is the Una Una Roll, something similar to Stamina Roll in their menu with unagi on top of egg roll with sushi rice and crispy tempura bites. Drizzle with lotsa of unagi sauce and mayonnaise, something really special is garnish with shredded fried ginger. Aww.. hungry max
Both rolls are very filling and yummy, price @ rm 12.80 each. I think is worth a try. ^^ Will be back for the last promo which is the unagi special rice.. can't wait.
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